Denice is Taking Good Care of the Nest! Hopefully, the Eggs Will Hatch and We Will Be Seeing Little Hawklets!
(Clarence continues in his pursuit of bird tracking!

"I don't mind sitting on the next and keeping the eggs warm, but a girl need some time to stretch her legs, you know!"

"Let me tell you, Clarence, this fellow is absolutely no good at conversation! He acts as if he were carved out of stone!"

"After a few hours of just sitting around, a lady has to make repairs on her makeup. My eye shadow always flakes and my mascara starts to run. I look as if I've been out all night.... Of course you boy cats probably wouldn't know about those things...."

"There is absolutely no room in the nest for my exercise equipment! By the time the eggs begin to hatch, I'll be all fat and flabby! Then Matthew will start squawking about how I should lose some weight!"

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