At The Park

Henrieta and Keekella at the park with
Sparkie, Sleepie, Liona and Cool

It is so nice of you, Keekella to come help me wiff my kitties. Dey are reallies a handful. I luff them so - but they keeps me busy. Lots of the young gurls like you just wants to run around and do silly stuff, so I sure appreciates yur frenship.

Oh, mews, Henrietta, it all my pleashure. I new in town and I duzn't noze a lot of kitties. Mew is my bestest furriend; and, I luffs mewr adorable babies.

Dey all luff you too.

Liona, dear, don't shovel sand on Sleepie. That's not nice.

I hopes dat belonging to the Bitsy's Whackers has helped you make some noo furriends.

I not maked furry many furriends. Did mew noze dat dere is two boys dat luks jes like us? Da Bitsy's Whackers duzn't trusts you and me, cuz of doze boys. It hard to make furriends wiff doze guys trying to gets us in turrble alla time.

Here mew goze Liona, sweety, catch da ball and leaf little Sleepie alone.

Yes, I herd bout them boyz. Henry is the one dat luks like me and KeeKee luks like yu. Dey are even saying dat we are twins. Ken dat possibly be?

Ken I goes swing now, mommy? Puleeze Puleeze

Not now, honey. But mommy purrmises that we'll all go swing befur we leaf the park.

Sparkie, mewr meowmie and I has impurrtant fings to discuss furst. Den I helps her push all of mew in dat swing.

Henrieta, I duzn't rememfur where I was bornded, so it possible dat da one dat calls himself KeeKee be my twin brofur. I nefur has talked to him about dis. Mebbe dat Henry fellow is mewr twin? Duz mew rememfur where mew comed furm?

I don't rememfur anything, KeeKee. I juss rememfur being alone - and young too. Dat is why I treasure my sweet kitties so much.

Mommy ...

It wud be nice to haff a twin brofur like Henry. I cud help out by cleaning at the BFCC.

Mommy ...

What, Liona?

I'm firsty.

In a minute sweetie.

I wud be shy round his sisfur Freya. She's an impurrtant career gurl and even a queen.

Mebbe we'll nefur noze if dey our brofurs. I shure do admire Henry's sisfur, Freya. I unfurstands she doing a furry impurrtant infurview wiff KeeKee and dat she gonna be da repurter for da big baseballs game. Ken mew imagine how wonderfur it wud be to be a queen....sigh
Oh Cool....dat a sand box, not a litter box. Henrietta....Cool jes hafed an accident.

Oh dear! Come here Cool. I think we should all go to the litter box. Wakes up, Sleepie. Then we'll get drinks. And then go swing. Sleepie, wakes up!! Is that OK with you, Keekella? After that maybe you can over and have supper with us. I'm having tuna casserole.

Oh, Henrieta, that wud be luffly. I'll stop by the deliCATessen and pick up a fresh cheese cake with catnip topping. Do you allow da little ones to haf catnip, yet?

Oh - yummy yummy - dat is my furry favorite. And my babes luff catnip. I lets dem haf a liddle - on special occasions and dis is sure special. Come along darlings.
