Oh, Hen, I nefur seed snow befur!! Duz mew guys fink we shud stops and tastes it?
Does Mew York allas look like dis? All white? And cold !!!!! Brrrrr .... And that huge animule? Is he wild? Is he dangerous?
Oh meow I nebbur benn to mewyork city ebburr. Dis is furry fazanating. Oh mew I has seen snows befur but it was nffur dis white and so fluffy..Oh Keek I bet we could eats dis snows. Bet one puroblem. Da horse purobaly peed in it. So if mew see yellow snow stay far away frum it. Oh maybe we can has a snow ball fights Can we stops at da park and play awhile???
Stop? Right by that horse thing? Who pees rite in the snow? I don't think so ...
I wanna pee in da snow!!
Brrrreeeow, I feal like peein in da snow myownself! Affur all, if da horse kin do it, why cant we?
Yeah, we cud rite our names wit it to let efurryone know we wuz here.
Let's all sign our names. Lets see ...
Duz mew fink dat horsie noze how to gets to Amos
and Andy's house? Ken any of mew guys talks horsie and aks him?
Hay guyz, dere's a Mew Yorrk Kop! Youse axe him, Keek! I aint tru peein.
A Kop? Oh no - I duzn't has no drifer's license.
Mew York Kop
What youse is doin there is aginst da law! No peeing in dah park - dats da law. I iz gonna haff to haul youse into da purrecinct - just as soon as I finish eetin dis donut.
Com on fellows. Let's get out of here - pronto.
Whatz?? Wetz gitz dis haybagz rollinz Keek* Cant mew whipz her into a pink flurryz???
Hey - Just watches me fly outta here.