Pictures of Animals and Birds
done in oils


The Wolf

This painting is hanging on the wall over my kitty tree.

Comment by Freya, "Look at this wolf's eyes. I don't think anyone would mess with him".

The Eagle

This is the first bird I ever painted. I loved him when I first saw him,
and I love him today. He is proudly hanging in my living room.


Eagle #2

This painting was done late in 2010. A friend painted the original after 911
he had the twin towers and a few other things in his painting to honor the fallen.
I eliminated the tear in the eagle's eye and the towers, to just paint this handsome bird.
My friend journied to the Rainbow Bridge in early 2011,
now I have this Eagle to remember him by.


The Lion

Painting animals are fun, but it isn't always easy to get the fur just right.
This guy looks like he is having a bad hair day.



Lion Mother and Cub

Painted April 27, 2011

Happy Panda, May 15, 2011


If you like Jessie's work, drop a line to her at


Main Museum Lobby

Links to all of Freya, Chuck and Jessie's Works
can be found at bottom of page.
