Like all gurreat artists,
Jessie has experimented working in many styles and mediums.


Although Jessie lives in Florida she enjoyed doing a snow scene.
How wonderful it will be to visit this painting on a hot summer day.







Here Jessie has painted two versions of "The Cabin" - one oval and one square.
Jessie shares what inspired her to paint "The Cabin"

The old cabin is nestled at the base of a mountain, surrounded with water and trees.
It looks like the hunting cabin my meowmie had when fafur was with us. They would go up to the cabin
in the summer and play on the river or go there in the winter and hunt for deer. Of course Meowmie
wasn't much of a hunter, she had her own gun, but never shot at anything other than a target,
so when she went off on her hunting excursions, they would give her a shell (put it in her pocket)
and send her on her way, knowing full well she wouldn't shoot at anything.
She loved to find a quiet spot and just watch nature.
Then when everyone came back to the cabin for lunch they would question Mom about what she saw.
They would then rush to her "spot" and she had to find another place to "hunt".

She used the same bullet all the years she hunted,
she never came home with a deer,
but came home with some wonderful memories.




Here Jessie blends Oriental and Western art styles.
The composition of the pictures reminds me of Oriental scenes.
The depth of the colors is found in our Western painting.

Jessie loves to experiment. She has painted two pictures of
"A Bucket of Daisies"

One is in pastel shades and the other in warm earth tones.


If you like Jessie's work, drop a line to her at


Main Museum Lobby

Links to all of Freya, Chuck and Jessie's Works
can be found at bottom of page.
