Meenooo!!! ML has known Jessie so very much longer than I have, but she had become a furry good furriend to me!! If our hearts are so sad, we know how mewr Meowmie has got to be so very much more. I'm not making much sense I know, but I'm very, very sad and upset! There are so many of her furriends at the Bridge, way too many! I know Twist, Myste and Bumpurr will welcome her along with so many of her Furriends!

ML has leaky eyes, and I am purring for her and mewr family!
Soft Purrs

Mew Mew Sassy Jazmine, Meowmie and Left, Right and Dusty,

We are stunned and in shock. So very sorry to hear of the loss of your dear Jessie. --- there are not words that can comfort at a time like this. Just know we love you and Jessie was one of our best friends from way in the CLAW days. She was always so helpful and caring and that continued on in her work at the BFCC. She will be remembered forever by those who knew and loved her. And yes, sadly too she has many friends to greet her. sniff...sniff

Zena, Scraps, Neek and Mommy Nancy

Oh dear Sassy Jazmine, we are so very sorry that sweet Jessie has gone to the bridge. We know she will be greeted there with love and made to feel happy and safe. We send many prayers and purrs to you and mewer meowmie for comfort. We know you must be very sad and empty feeling right now. Know that she will be remembered forever in the hearts of all those that have known
her. She did a most wonderful job with the BBCC. Sassy we know that you will do a fine job also.

purrs and love, Shamus and family and meowmies

O noes... I'z so furry sorry to heer bowt Jessie... She wuz one of de furzt kittiez to welkum me into BFCC.

-Coco Casey


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