Oh mews!

We are so sorry to hear of Jessie's passing. We send our best comfurting purrs!

 Soft Purrs,
The Kitty Tribe

Don't you know that Jessie was met by many, many friends from CLAW and the BFCC!!
She won't ever be alone!


Yes she was already so ready to welcome new comers, we are very sad too.  She has helped us so much all the time. :'(

Sylvannia Faery Kitten, Maeve, Zeus, Ra Kismet and Monet

We are so very sorry to hear that Jessie has gone to the Bridge:'(

Luf doesn't stop though, it knows no boundaries and we know that Jessie
will be watching over mew all and guiding mew with BFCC.

We too send Luff and Purries to Jessie's whole family.  Our heart is
with them.

Sad Purries, Woofs from

Sylvannia Faery Kitten, Maeve, Zeus, Ra Kismet and Monet


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