Oh SassyJasmine, we are devastated to learn that Jessie crossed the bridge. She was always a very loving friend to everyone. Please give miewr meowmie whisker kisses from me and meowmie's condolence go to you all along with mine. We are so very sorry to hear that Jessie has gone to the bridge. Lots of open paws up there to welcome her though. Oh Barb and family,
Our deepest sympathy to you and your family with Jessie's passing. We couldn't write earlier because one of your emeows reminded mom too much of her last days at the nursing home with grandpa. It was important, though, to be there just as Jessie needed your warm arms surrounding her. Jessie loved you very much Barb. Her journey was peaceful.
With purrs, tears and comforting (((hugs))) Houdini and Mimi with meowmie Carol We are all sending many luffing purrs fur Jessie's beautiful Journey to the RainbowBridge. How wonderful to be galloping after birds up to almost the end, eat a good breakfast, and then cross wrapped in your favorite pink blanket in your loving Meowmie's arms. That's the way to do it, Jessie, hooray for you!!! Very luffing purrs to you all, EA and MeowmieKari_._ Meowmie Barb and SassyJ,
We are so sorry!
Glad with Meomie til the end.
Sounds peaceful.
deep purrs,
Mysty, storme and Meomie Mewsies, sweet Righty--Like all siblings, I know mew and Jessie had your ins and outs. I am sending mew special purrs cause I know mew will miss her more than you think you will. I knew Jessie fur 12 years and Jasper Jax almost dat long. Jessie I knew better, dough because of her work at CLAW and on da Zine. Glad da Zine continues on.