CATCHING THE BIRDSA class by Right All right students, first thing you do is to spot your bird. Birds like to hang out in trees or on the ground. It's easiest to catch birds on the ground, so if you don't see any, put some bird seed or any other seeds on the grass so that the birdies will come to you. Once you have a bird in sight, crouch down silently and aim yourself for attack. OK? Now everyone sees their birds, so jump! Hiss loudly and land in front of the bird. Meow real loud! The bird will die of fright if you're lucky. If you don't, dig your claws into the back of its neck or its wing. I know this doesn't sound very pleasing to some of you with a weak stomach, but it's what you have to do and I can't help it. But you'll get used to it. Now that you have your prey, bring it somewhere safe. If you're not hungry, you can bury it. If you don't plan on eating your prey ever, leave it on your human's doorstep for them to find. But if you're hungry, I'd better tell you what to do. When you're finished eating, bury your prey. Humans aren't too happy when they find half of a dead bird lying around in the yard.