The Rose Bowl Purradeby Sara Every year, for as long as I could remember, my Meowmie and I watched the Rose Bowl Purrade on TV, but I always wanted to see and smell it (and maybe taste it) in purrson. So, when Rufus called me and asked if I would like to go to the Rose Bowl, I said yes, knowing that the Parade took place right before the football game. When Rufus arrived on New Year's Eve day, I told him my plan........ Sara: Mews Rufus, sense we goin to Passodeena enyways, we shud goze tonite an camps out on Colorado Bullyvard all nite soze we ken see da purrade frum a gud spot! Rufus: Isn't mew fink it mite gets cold out at nite? Sara: Nah - it neffur get cold in Soufern Catifurnia. Asides, I is alreddy pack a bunch a blankies fur us an a hole cooler fulla fude! So off we went. It wasn't long before we saw a lot of traffic and we knew that we were close. We found a place to park the car and carried all the food and blankies to a spot right on the edge of the sidewalk, where we could see everything!! We ate a great big dinner, took turns going to the litterbox so we wouldn't lose our spot, and then we snuggled up in our blankies and went to sleep.......An hour later I was awake. Sara: Mew mew Rufus - I is freezing! Rufus: Dis not cold. Cold beez at my house in O-hy-o! Sara: Wells, I was borned in Catifurnia, an dis many cold fur me......sob, sob, sniff Rufus: Ok, my sweetie, wat is mew wanna do? Is mew wanna goze home? Sara: Oh no! I wanna seez da Purrade. Mebbe we cud leaf our stuff here, to safe our space, an goze offur to doze bildings ware dey puttin finishes touches on da flotes?? Rufus: Ok, led's take one blankie to wrap ourselfs up in. So we wrapped ourselves up and headed over to where all the lights and noise were. As we got closer, I could smell flowers from all over the world. Flowers of every color, and I was sure of every exotic taste in the world! Rufus: Rememfur Sara, we here to get warm, not to eats da flotes - mewhehe Sara: Oh, jess one liddle bite here and dere. Nobuddy wills notiss, an dere so many flowers here dat I is neffur tasted! Rufus: Wells, mebbe jess a bit here an dere. Dese reely is smells gud. We walked and we munched. It was like fairytale come true. The only problem was, that as it got later, it got colder! Sara: Ohhh Rufus, I jess freezing. We gotta fine a warmer purrlace. Rufus: Is mew seed dat flote dat we jess pass? Dere a tree house on it, an I bet we cud get warm in dere. Dere also lotsa offur animals on da flote, so mebbe nobuddy wills notiss us. We went back to that float, climbed the tree and snuggled together in the tree house, where it was so nice and warm that we fell asleep and didn't wake up til morning. Rufus: Pssst, Sara, wakes up. We is moofing! Sara: Yawwwn.......Uh oh, we musta sleeped all nite!. Ware we at? Rufus: Is mew hears dat band? I fink da Purrade is started! Onliest one ways to fine out. We gotta luks out dat winder. Wow - not only were we at the Rose Bowl Parade, we were IN it!! About then, I heard a little girl from the side of the street tell her Meowmie dat she can see REAL kitties on the float. Her Meowmie told her that the whole float was made from flowers and seeds and that the kitties just look real. It wasn't long before other people noticed that the two "flower" kitties in the window of the tree house were blinking. Then I sneezed, and I knew we were in trouble! Rufus: Grab my paw an led's run! So we ran. We went back to "our" space on the sidewalk and gathered up all of our stuff and headed straight for the stadium to watch the football game. People were talking about the two stowaway kitties on a float, but they didn't know what we look like. We were safe! Rufus enjoyed the game soooo much, and I enjoyed the hot dogs. and the warm salty pretzels. When it was over I asked him if the Cubs won. He laughed so hard I thought he was gonna cough up a hairball........... Next year, I think I'll stay home in my nice warm house and watch the Purrade with my Meowmie.