Winter Wonderlandby Bentley Marlowe Christmas was over, but we were still on vacation, and we were running out of things to do. Charlie and I were in the back yard half heartedly kicking around a few of our new toys. Maggie and Chrissy were in the house doing.......hmmm, I don't know what they were doing. Just then I heard Maggie calling us. Maggie: Bentley, Charlie, ken yu comes in here? Bentley: Wat up Maggie? Chrissy: Comes in an we wills show mew. Charlie: Do dat be meowmie's male mew going fru? Maggie: It jess adfurrtizing. Meowmie isn't car bout dat. Chrissy: Luk at dese pichures! Dis a fancies resort in Furrmont! Bentley: Where Furrmont at? Maggie: I isn't noze, but luk at dese pichures. Chrissy: See - dey got a bigg lake an mowntins an spas an fancy resfurrants an a liddle shopping mall an all kinds cool stuff. Charlie: Wells, it do luk like many fun. Bentley: I not shure. Lass time we gode on a 'venchure we almose gotted eat up by a mama bobcat!! So....... we called our travel agent, got four tickets to Furrmont and reservataions at the Winter Wonderland Lodge. (Meowmie is going to be soooo mad when she sees her credik card bill). We were on the plane the next morning and in Furrmont by the afternoon. Boy were we in for a surprise! As we departed the plane, we couldn't help but notice that other than a few clear paths, the ground was covered by white stuff. Charlie: Maggie, wat all dat wite stuff? Chrissy: It freeeezin here! Bentley: Dis shure isn't luk like da pichures we seed. Maggie: I not shure, but I fink it snow. I seed sum on da telebishun, but I neffur seed nun in purrson, cuz dere no snow in Alabamy. Chrissy: O luk - dere our mini buss to go to da Lodge. Mebbe dere jess snow here at da airsport. The bus was nice and warm, and once we stopped shivering, it struck us - the higher we got, the more snow there was. Bentley: Dis muss be sum kinda joke! Once we got to the Lodge, things were looking better. The parking area was cleared and we ran inside to check in. Bentley: Brrrrr.....we haff resurfations fur a rume fur four. Clerk: Please sign here Sir. Here is a list of all the activites we have. I'm sure you'll find lots of fun things to do. I would suggest that you put on some warmer clothes, tho. Chrissy: We isn't haff warmer close. We frum Alabamy. Clerk: (chuckle). Oh, then this must be your first time in snow country, huh? Maggie: SNOW COUNTRY? Wat dat means? Charlie: Relacks Maggie. Led's jess goze to our rume an see dat liss of acktivities. I shure we ken fine sumfing to do. The room was beautiful. After we picked sleeping spaces, we lit the fire Bentley: Luk, we cud rent a sled - wat mew fink Maggie? Maggie: I fink dat yu kitties wud wanna ride on da sled an make me pull it! Dat not gonna happens!! Charlie: Rememfur dat purdy lake we seed in da broshure? It all frozed up an we cud go ice skates on it. Chrissy: Jess finks bout dat make me freeze. Bentley: Woweee, luk at dis. We ken rent sum snows mobiles an go zoom all offur da hills!! Charlie: Yeah.... I wanna do dat!! Chrissy: Luk at dis Maggie. Dere a slalon where we ken get our nails done an a massaj! Maggie: Count me in. So, Charlie and I headed off to rent our snow mobiles and zoom off into the hills. Before long Charlies's snowmobile just stopped. Charlie: HEY BENTLEY......I needs hep here. My snowsmobile kwit!! Bentley: Here, jump on mine. But, within minutes, mine stopped too! Charlie: Wat we gonna do now? Bentley: I gess we gonna walks bak to da Lodge. Charlie: Achooo - Ben, I jess sneezed an it froze all offur my whiskers! Bentley: Wells, wateffur mew do, donut coff up a hairsball! I isn't wanna see dat hangin outta mewr mouf!! Meanwhile, back at the Lodge...... Chrissy: Wuzn't dat a wonerfur massaj? I feel so relacks an kinda hungry. Maggie: Me too, but I kinda worries bout da boys. Dey shud be bak by now. Chrissy: Wat all dat commoshun outside? Maggie: It luk like a search pardy goin up da hill to fine sumone. Chrissy: I hopes dat Ben an Charlies isn't gotted losted. Maggie: Nah - dey purrably gotted cold an tuk dere snows mobiles rite bak. Dey purrably in our rume waits fur us to go to dat fancies ressfurant fur din din. Just to be sure, they asked someone what was going on. Stranger: Oh, two kitties from Alabama rented snow mobiles and didn't know that they had to put gas in them. The rescue party found them and is bring them back. Chrissy: Wat a coinkydink. We frum Alabamy. Maggie: Dat ain't no coinkydink. Dat our brofurs dat dey is rescued!! That was the exact moment when we walked in. By the expressions on Maggie and Chrissy's faces, we must have looked pathetic. We sure felt pathetic! Bentley: w ww w e e f f f r r e e e z i n g. Charlie: a a a n n d d w w e e h h u n n g r r r y Maggie: Wat? Chrissy: I fink dey sayed dat dey freezing an dey hungry. So, we went up to our room and snuggled up to the fire place and ordered room service. Charlie and I each drank three bowls of warm milk before we could speak without shivering! The next day we let the girls drag us around to the nice warm indoor shops. The next morning we were on an airplane Sweet Alabama! Charlie and I went back into the yard and started kicking our new toys around again, but we were really having fun this time. Maggie and Chrissy were leaving meowmie's mail alone. Instead, they were on their cell phones giggling with their friends. I knew that they were talking about Charlie and me, but I didn't care. I was home!!