Two Smiling Dogs Has Some Great Stuff for Dogs and Cats!
Clarence of Belden and I, Henri of Twin Brook decided it was about time to visit "Two Smiling Dogs" an animal boutique, at the Parkway Plaza on Dixwell Avenue in Hamden, which specializes in fancy duds, fantastic toys for dogs and cats and really, really good food! Come, all you canines and felines and check it out!

A new collar can mean so much for a dog or cat!

The same old toy day after day loses its smell and charm. It's time for a new toy to rekindle the sense of adventure in your canine or feline house mate!

There are amazing shelves loaded with all kinds of amazing things! I like the magnets and the stuffed toys (suitable for humans) and Clarence liked the mugs and the books.

This wall has racks and racks of fashionable duds for dogs! When Malachi, that fashion maven of the feline world, came to visit, he picked out a sweater for himself among the wide assortment. (Of course Clarence and I would not be caught dead in a sweater! After all, we are former street cats. Fashion was far from our minds during those days we prowled the streets and alleys of Hamden.)

There are pictures to hang on the wall and food to feed your dog! What more can you want out of life?

A friendly and knowledgeable staff awaits to serve your every need!