Some Friends of Mine

Through the years, I have acquired many friends. Some of them are cats who live in colonies and some are cats who still live on the street. I treat them all with respect and kindness because I am an honest and just cat who loves all felinekind.

Clarence of Belden

Clarence of Belden is one of my closest friends. He, also was a cat of the streets before he decided to offer his services as housecat to a person who lives on one street over from mine.

My friend, Penelope

A few doors down, on my own street, lives Penelope. She is a very pretty cat. At one time I had stolen food from her outside snack dish and for many months, she was very angry with me. That of course was before I became a respectable house cat. She forgave my ill manners and today we are the best of friends. She has joined me in many of my adventures and is friendly with my housemate, Helen.

The Fair Penelope

My Friend From England

Although I haven't met this cat in fur, I have exchanged letters with him. He also corresponds by e-mail with Clarence of Belden. Clarence is an astronomer and takes a lot of pictures of galaxies and nebula. Binka is a really good photographer of buildings and structures. Both of these cats are members of Fur and Fang Feline Foto Forum. I, too, am a member.

Binka of England

Helen, my housemate, thinks that Binka is one of the most handsome cats she has ever laid eyes upon. She would love to rub whiskers with the guy!

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