"Yes," agreed Helen. "Henri's blue rabbit is rather cheaply made, don't you think?"
Nicely made bunny.
Cheaply made bunny.
"I want the nice, fuzzy rabbit. I don't need that cheap rabbit!" Rumsfeld growled. "For my new home, I want the very best!"
The cat had spoken or meowed if you want to be specific. So we carried the fuzzy bunny through the bedroom and the hallway, through the kitchen and out the back door to the deck, across the deck to the back gate and down the corner of Bel Air. At the corner, Rumsfeld and Carlyle, Falstaff, Clarence and I lifted the fuzzy bunny to our backs and proceeded down the street in the direction of Rumsfeld's new home. It was one o'clock in the morning. Few automobiles passed us on the way. No humans crossed ou path. Only a curious raccoon waved to us and asked where we were going. "This is my new bunny rabbit!" exclaimed Rumsfeld, beaming. "I'm taking it to my new house so that when the weather gets cold and drafty I will have something to cuddle up to at night!"
The racoon shrugged its shoulders. "To each his own," he muttered behind his paws.
The five of us managed to shove the rabbit through the narrow hole under the deck. Rumsfeld was inside, pulling on its ears as we four were outside, pushing on the toys rear. It popped through the opening like a cork popping from a champagne bottle. (Yes, I have seen that happen, believe it or not....) Fortunately there were no injuries. We all landed in a bed of petunias. Rumsfeld's fall was broken by the toy rabbit.
Helen was waiting for me at the back door when I arrived home. I had left Carlyle and Clarence at the corner and Falstaff had decided to stay with Rumsfeld for the night. "You were very brave when you agreed to part with your blue bunny. I'm very proud of you, Henri," she purred. "I'm so glad Rumsfeld decided to take one of the other rabbits."
"So am I," I meowed, "I really didn't want to part with my Binky Bunny."
"You named the blue rabbit, Binky? I can't believe it!," howled Helen, rolling around on her back with her feet in the air. "Sidney, get this! Henri named that blue rabbit of his, Binky! Isn't that the funniest thing you've ever heard? Wait until I tell, Penelope and Marge and Sandy! Henri call his widdle wabbit, Binky!!"
Sometimes I wish I lived alone! All alone!!!
The End

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