Valentine's Day
at the Back Fence Cat Club


The girls are all excited about Valentine's Day

Meow girls! I haff a date fur Balentime Day. Gess who it wiff! Can't
gess? - ok, Chuck asked me to celebrates wiff him - wells, dat not
completely tru - ackshually, I asked him to celebrate wiff me! An he
sayed YES!! I furry eggcited.....

That's lovely, Angel. I of course will be with my wonderful and
handsome wedwink, Day-Late. I know he'll surprise me with something
very romantic, he always does you know.

I'm a bit nervous. I never actually met my date. I have seen his
picture, and he's very big and very handsome. His name is Smokey.


Wells, Jessie and SassyJazmine, I will be haffing din din wiff your
brofur, Right. I am sure he will be a purrfeck gentlecat. I fink he
is askaird of me - mewhehe

Mews Angel - furse of all, mew do no dat Chuck not a cat, right? On the
other paw, he is speshul cuz he was Freya's bestest furrien.
I am waiting for Niklos to ask me to go out wiff him. I am sure he
gonna ask me, I asked him to. (I hope, I hope, I hope).

Mews gurlz, I gonna spend Balemtime Day wiff Right's twin brofur, Left!
He a sweet, purrlite boy an I no he gonna treat me likd a

A course I wills be wiff my wonerfur an catsome winkwink Rufus! He alla
time buyz me flowers an a lobsfur din din fur Balentime Day. Hey, I
gotta idear. Why bisn't we all goze out togeffur!!

(A chorus of voices agree)
