Freya's Celebrity Interviews

Freya Interviews Elizabeth QEII



I wants to introduce my distinguished guest, Elizabeth QEII. Here is a pichure of her in all her magnificense and wonderfurness.



Elizabeth is a highly respected representatiff of the older generation ... er ... of the ... ah ... of the internet. Elizabeth, when wuz yu furst on the internet?


Welllll, my meowmie bought a fing called WebTV in 1996. I guess you could say we were on the net but it was just a little box that hardly ever worked. Auntie Dust helped us get started, and when I went to join the BFCC, that's when I first saw HENRY! <swoon>



Too bad you didn't sees me, but I wasn't borned yet in 1996. Elizabeth, yu haff reached da age of gurreat wisdom and yu even openly admits yur age. In fact, yu juss had a birffday in April. Yur party wuz luffly. An thank yu fur the souvenier T-shirt dat I is wearin. Elizabeth, I is gonna let yu tells us yur age and also 'bout dat furry special day.


I am Sweet Sixteen!!! It was so much fun I'm going to do it again next month! Neightbors and furriends and even my Vet came to see me and brought me NIP. I even got a card from you and HENRY <fangs you!>

I sent dat card. I juss signed his name. I is glad dat you liked da card dat I, Freya, sent. I enjoyed visitin yu at home and meeting yur family. But, Elizabeth, how duz yu keeps track of dem all? Der are LOTS of kitties!


I knows it! Every time I get it under control my meowmie comes home with another kitty <frown> We have one named Baby that has those handsome stripes just like HENRY!!!


Oh - dem tiger stripes - again!!! Yu sees dem effurywhere - boring!! But Lizbets, yur family confuses me. Yu haff rescued kitties and den yu haff des famous cats wiff lots and lots and lots of awards. Duz they all liff togefur? and how duz they gets along?


We have a big house so kitties can avoid being around ones they don't like, then I hiss and growl at all of them to keep them in line. It's a ZOO! I could use HENRY'S help, I know he could take charge and run things for me


Henry? Help run things? Hahahaha - dat's a laff. Buts, to gets back to yur family - to tells yu da truff, I thinks some of yur brofurrs and sisufurrs haff furry strange names. Likes - is Highlanders and Derans and Abrishans part of their names? And why names a poor liddle kitty Folly Fidalgo? Offurs haff nice kitty names - like yu, and like Duncan, and likes Susan. How come?


It's like this Freya, when the first name is in big letters it's the cattery name <my real name is DERAN'S Elizabeth the Queen. Anybody born here is HIGHLANDER'S cause that was my meowmie's cattery name. Fidalgo was born last and he was supposed to look like his brother Mops but he came out black, so he was a "Folly". <mewLOL>


Well ... hmm ... ??? ... I thinks I understand now.


If I may say so, Freya is an unusual name, I just love the name HENRY!


I is - natcherally - named after a Goddess of Peace and Beauty and Love. Henry means ... well, I guess it juss means Henry ... PLAIN OLD Henry. Elizabeth, we muss keeps on da subject - puleeze helps me by simply sticking to da subject, OK? Now - yu trained many of dah younger kitties. And dey all luffs yu. Dat is indeed high praise.


Fangs you, Freya. They fear me too, that is the big secret. All I have to do is give a little growl and they obey. You should try that at your house!


Gude advise. I is tuff at times - juss like yu. Gurls haff to hold der own in dis world - rite? Yu do belief in woman's rites, don't yu?


Womanfurs rites are okay, unless a girrl could have a big handsome hunk like HENRY to do everything for her.


{Choke ... gag ... } Elizabeth, can yu puleeze confines yur answers to my questions. No one wants to hear bouts .... well .... sigh ...... Juss tells me if anyfing eggciting has happened to yu lately?


Most eggciting was getting our black Persian kitty from New Orleans! Tommy is just a baby and I am whipping him into shape and teaching him to be a Persian King, then I will retire and maybe get winked. <If I can find a guy like HENRY>


Elizabeth, I wud thinks dat yu, as a queen, cud haff a liddle mores dignity. Now lissen to my question and juss answer simply. Has any terribuls fing mishappened to yu in da lass yeer?


Mishappened? I don't think I'm familiar with that word. Did yu learn it from HENRY?


NO - I DIDN'T. I is da smart one at da BFCC. I is surprised yu duz not knows it - being so old and wise. But let's me esplain. Somefing nice 'happens'. Somefing bad 'mishappens'.


Well, two furry sad things happened, first our Duncan crossed the Rainbow Bridge, then just 6 months later his brother Dillon went to be with him there. I miss them both a lot.


I is sorry bout dem, Elizabeth. And dat wuz a nice proper answer. Rememfurs - we are on live national TV. Yur effury word is going out to millions of kitties - all offur da world. Now I wants to get to an impurrtant subject - who is the big luff of yur life?

{If she says Henry, I'm walking rite off the set.}


Of course I luff my meowmie, but the other human I luff is my Vet, Dr. Mark.He luffs me too, he always asks me "Who's your Daddy"? <mewpurrmew>


Oh ... Dat's so cute.


I have always loved Daddy Mark, he brought me into the world. When he sees me he just drops everything to hold me and he lets me kiss him on the lips!!! I get to stay with him when Meowmie goes away, he takes me to his house and the rest have to stay at the Clinic <hahamew>


Hmmm ... How duz yur boyfren Tommy feel bout Vet Mark? Is he jealous?


You is catfuddled, Freya. Tommy is just a little kitten. I do like younger catmen, though. I wish I had one for partying and dancing <is HENRY available?>


Henry, Henry, Henry. Dis is not bout him - I is doing da interviewing and yu is supposed to answer my questions - not ask me questions. Puleeze cooperates, Elizabeth. OK?


Of course I will, Freya. You can count on me.


Good. Now - fur juss one minute, concentrates. Puleeze, Elizabeth. I wants yu to close yur eyes, take some deep breffs and relaxes. Den I hopes yu will share wiff us the happiest moment in yur long life.



<Breathe, breathe - I'll just think of HENRY for a minute.>
Allright, I'm ready. This was a long, long time ago, but it was when I was 4 months old and in my first cat show. My meowmie came in, and when our eyes met we knew we were meant to be together. She hurried up and took me home and we have been happy for all these years!!!


Ahhhh .... ain't dat sweet. Yu are such a cute furry baby. Our meowmies are so special to us, aren't dey? Much more special dan dumb brofurrs named ... well, juss dumb brofurrs.

{I is skeered to even say his name.
All dis silly talk bout Henry.
Wat is wrong wiff her anyway?}

Elizabeth, is dere something dat yu haff not yet achieffed in life - something dat yu really really wud likes to happen?


Sigh ..... oh yes, yes, yes ... I would love to go dancing with HENRY just once. Maybe you could help me out with that? You're such a talented and clever girl, Freya! You can do that, I know.



{Sputter ... sputter ... gag ... choke}
Elizabeth ... Henry dances like he has four left feets. Forgets Henry. He's ... well, he's OK if yu haff to have a brofurr - but dats bout all he's gude fur, Elizabeth.
{I'd bedder wrap this up now. I is 'bout to lose it.}
I certainly wants to thank yu fur dis interview, Elizabeth. We lerned lots 'bout yu. {Certainly more dan I wanted to know.} I is hoping dat ...


Oh Freya, I've got to run. I see HENRY in the Control Room. Maybe I can catch him. Bye .....


HENRY, HENRY, Wait fur me !!


An der it is, ladies an gentlemen, da truff bout Elizabeth QEII. Luffly, beautifurr, queenly, and no sense at all where men are concerned.




Many thanks to Meowmie Nancy for Elizabeth's dialogue and pictures.
Write Meowmie Nancy
Visit Elizabeth and her Family at Home
Elizabeth's Birthday Party