I was so sorry to hear the sad news. I know this cuts deeply. Please accept this memorial in memory of Jessie.

Oh, mews of sorrow!
Jessie was our furry dear furriend and we love her dearly! We're so shocked and saddened to hear of her journey to rainbow bridge. Our deepest sympathy to her family for this sad loss. We're sending heartfelt purrs, prayers and hugs your way. We will surely miss her.
Sad Purrs From All At The Tyger's Den

Many purrs Barb, Sassy Jasmine, Left Right Dusty and Jeff
I am so sad to read about Jessie's passing. I did not know she was sick. She is at the Rainbow Bridge having fun with Pumpkin and Casey. Jessie was the Crew's oldest, best friend. With her encourgement we wrote for the Zine. And still will write for the Zine. Jessie is now an angel kitty looking after you.
We will miss her.
Love and purrs and hugs
Dee April Pippin Sam Mickey Kamzi Benjamin

We are all so many sorries dat Jessie is haff to go to da Bridge.
Jessie wuz my furrien an I luffs her. Now I gonna works my furry liddle butt off to helps Sassy makes da BFCC great furreffur....... I noze dat Jessie watching offur us frum da Bridge an we gonna makes her proud!
Luff & purries to Jessie's whole furrmily

We are so sorry to hear that Jessie has left this realm.
Lucy, Royal, Speedy, Jazzie and da massa tew.
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